The African Union has supported a petition against Al-Shabaab from the Somali government

June 22 ( – The African Union has supported Somalia’s request to start a short-term operation after the withdrawal of ATMIS troops to help the government complete security efforts and eradicate terrorism.

This issue dispels the fear that after the departure of ATMIS, which was held at the end of this year, there will be a security situation that could give an opportunity to terrorism.

A statement from a meeting held by the members of the Security Council of the African Union also accepted a proposal from Somalia to divide the third phase of the reduction of ATMIS forces, which is recommended to be 2 thousand soldiers who will leave at the end of June. , and another 2 thousand by the end of September.

The press release praised the efforts of the President of Somalia and his government in the various aspects of Somalia’s government building activities, while calling on international friends to continue their support for the fruition of these efforts.

The things that have been praised by the Somali government include the progress made in the security plans, the continuity of the meetings of the National Consultative Council, the fight against terrorism and also the preparation for the security of the country after the departure of the ATMIS troops.

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