Backlash Erupts After Trump Rally Speaker Mocks Puerto Rico

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump headlined a rally at New York’s Madison Square Garden, which commenced with a series of provocative remarks from supporters of the former president.

Having been a prominent New York figure for years, Mr. Trump aimed to leverage the event at the famed venue, celebrated for Knicks basketball games and Billy Joel concerts, to present his final argument against Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, despite the last Republican presidential victory in the state occurring in 1984.

Throughout his speech, Mr. Trump emphasized his commitment to halting illegal immigration and deporting migrants whom he labeled as “vicious and bloodthirsty criminals” should he win the election on November 5.

“On my first day, I will initiate the largest deportation program in American history,” he declared.

Mr. Trump referred to Ms. Harris as a “very low IQ individual” and garnered cheers from attendees for his stringent stance on immigration.

Former professional wrestler Hulk Hogan took the stage to make his address.

He pledged to abolish sanctuary cities, which do not cooperate with federal immigration enforcement, and to invoke the 1798 Alien Enemies Act to deport immigrants with criminal records.

A diverse lineup of speakers opened the rally, including former pro-wrestler Hulk Hogan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and Mr. Trump’s sons, Eric and Don Jr.

Mr. Giuliani, a former personal attorney to Mr. Trump, asserted that Ms. Harris was “aligned with the terrorists” regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made jokes about Latinos and, in one instance, referred to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage”.

Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin shared a clip of these remarks on Instagram, commenting in Spanish, “This is what they think of us.”

Danielle Alvarez, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, told Reuters that the joke about Puerto Rico “does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign”.

While Puerto Ricans are American citizens, those living on the island cannot vote in U.S. general elections.

Nonetheless, millions of Puerto Ricans who have relocated to the mainland U.S. are eligible to vote, particularly in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania.

Ms. Harris promised to “invest in Puerto Rico’s future” if elected president.

Ms. Harris visited a Puerto Rican restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s largest city, yesterday.

She shared a video on social media committing to “invest in Puerto Rico’s future” as president.

With just over a week left, Ms. Harris ensured no detail was overlooked in a state where boosting her vote count is crucial.

“We must not wake up the day after the election having any regrets,” she told a rally in Philadelphia.

This visit marked Ms. Harris’s 14th trip to Pennsylvania since she ascended the ticket following President Joe Biden’s unexpected withdrawal in July.

Mr. Trump’s 2016 opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, accused him of “recreating” a pro-Nazi rally that took place at Madison Square Garden in 1939, on the eve of World War II.

In an email, Ms. Harris’s campaign stated that the Madison Square Garden rally was “mirroring the same dangerously divisive and demeaning message” as Mr. Trump.

Critics have long charged Mr. Trump with empowering white supremacists through dehumanizing and racist language. The Republican candidate has dismissed comparisons to the 1930s.

Mr. Musk addressed the gathering in New York.

Billionaire Elon Musk, supporting Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign with his X social media platform and significant wealth, received a warm welcome with chants of “Elon”.

“This is the kind of positive energy that America embodies,” Mr. Musk stated.

Mr. Musk, whom Mr. Trump indicated he would appoint to lead a new government efficiency commission, claimed that the federal budget could be trimmed by “at least” $2 trillion.

Discretionary spending, including defense expenditures, is projected at $1.9 trillion out of a total $6.75 trillion federal budget for the 2024 fiscal year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

In his address, Mr. Trump contended that Americans are worse off today than they were four years ago.

He announced a new initiative to provide tax credits for caregivers looking after a parent or another family member.

Mr. Trump also highlighted his foreign policy achievements during his presidency from 2017 to 2021, asserting he would avoid initiating conflicts in office, while adding that should a war with China arise, “We would kick their ass.”

Polls indicate that Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump are nearly tied in key battleground states with just over a week until election day.

More than 38 million votes have already been cast nationwide.

Mr. Trump has attempted to link Ms. Harris to the Biden administration’s management of immigration and economic issues.

Last week, he introduced a new attack line: “She broke it, and I promise you I will fix it.”

Despite the U.S. economy outpacing the rest of the developed world since the Covid-19 pandemic, and stock markets reaching record highs this year, escalating prices for food, utilities, and housing have unsettled voters who feel the economy is headed in the wrong direction.

Ms. Harris, who rallied with Bruce Springsteen in Atlanta on Thursday and with Beyoncé in Houston on Friday, plans another high-profile event with a speech on the National Mall in Washington tomorrow, where she will underscore the contrasts between herself and Mr. Trump.

“He is full of grievances. He is filled with dark language about retribution and revenge,” Ms. Harris remarked about Mr. Trump in Philadelphia.

According to Mr. Trump’s campaign, the Madison Square Garden event, which can cost over $1 million (€925,000) to rent, was completely sold out.

Tickets were free and given on a first-come-first-served basis, much like Ms. Harris’s rally in Houston.

Around 30,000 people attended Ms. Harris’s rally with Beyoncé on Friday night, while approximately 20,000 were present at the Atlanta rally.

“My internal polling is my instinct,” Ms. Harris told reporters in Philadelphia when asked about the campaign’s internal electoral projections.

“The momentum is with us,” she concluded.

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